Thursday, June 12, 2008

Famous sayings from the Grad class of 2008

Ones I won't be forgetting....

It's a banana!
I know a song about that- want me to sing it for you?
Did I get the bonus question?
Wait guys- you can't leave- class is starting!

If you can think of more, please let me know.....

From Terry H.

Richard, are you going to make coffee?
Anyone interested in potluck?
Hockey practice tomorrow!
Can we just skip this week's test?

The Ugly Little Planter

DSCF2970 There is an ugly little cement planter sitting by the back steps by the old carriage house entrance in the house where I live. It has been sitting empty for the third summer now- the only thing planted in it has been cigarette butts. Tonight I decided to fix that emptiness at very little cost.

'My house', which was built in 1870, is surrounded by a collection of wildflowers and ferns and cultivated heritage perennials that have been allowed to spread- some of these are good alternatives to lawn. Some of the non-natives are: forget-me-nots, lungwort, goutweed, Scottish Bluebells, and Scilla- (a bulb.) There are also fiddlehead ferns and fall asters. There is always colour and lots of lush greenery around. All that is lacking is a tiny patio with some stepping stones leading up to it and I would have a private oasis to catch the western sun that wouldn't need mowing. It takes a lot of foresight on the part of my landlord to leave this greenery. Most people would weed-wack everything in sight. Actually his origins are from the UK and they are more tolerant of what makes a weed and what doesn't. DSCF2972

Anyways, back to the planter. Tonight I stuck in some forget me nots, a lungwort or two, a couple of fiddlehead ferns, a fall aster and some Scottish bluebells and a few pansies for colour. It is quite shady there and it will blend in with the rest of the surroundings of the house. The end of ugliness! Well, it's still a bit ugly but once the plants start to fall over the edges, it will be hidden a bit.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Work site visits...

Around the province I went last week to visit all ten chicks. Everyone seems to be enjoying their work terms and most are hired for the summer and beyond. Here are some shots. Top to bottom:

1. Nicole right in the middle of weedin' and mulchin' at a lovely home overlooking the river in Moncton- Ayles Natural Landscapes.
2. Richard by his bloomin' crabapple in front of his home in Blackville- thanks for the lunch and tea Richard!
3. Ryan E. doin' some blowin' along a sidewalk outside a property in Moncton- Ayles Natural Landscapes.
4. Craig a raking away along a wonderful home along the riverside in Fredericton- new sod, new shrubs and trees are about to be installed- Green Village
5. Kara a diggin' and a sweatin' to create a trench for an irrigation system at the same riverside home as Craig was working- Green Village
6. Terry with his new truck (and hat!) working as the village gardener for the Town of Florenceville.
7. Lindsay by the gazebo in Bristol where she is about to do some work- Spruce Hill Nurseries. 8. Tyler- planting annuals in King Square with his workmates in sunny Saint John- City of Saint John.
9. Ryan B. planting annuals and watering on a foggy morning on a magnificent property in Rothesay- Brunswick Nurseries.
10. Sarah with the chipper and truck- City of Moncton

Job Interviews- What not to do....

I read an article by Derek Abma from Canwest News Service last week that had me in stitches in no time so I'll share the highlights. A staffing firm called Officeteam, shared some of the most bizarre interview gaffes with the writer.
One candidate showed up wearing pajamas with bed head hair, another asked his interviewer for a cigarette. Another job seeker sent his sister to do the interview for him and another kept yelling out 'I love life' and 'Oh yeah' throughout the entire interview! Another job applicant insulted the tie worn by the interviewer. A few problems that happened before the interview couldn't be helped so the interviewees decided to handle the problems gracefully- like spilt coffee on a suit and a bleeding lip after a shaving incident! The best one went like this: 'An applicant was doing really well in the interview until she got to the reason she left her other job. She told us everyone was out to get her.'
There are some tips for you, Terry!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Northhampton Walk

Down along the shore in Northhampton south of Woodstock, there is a lovely old church called the Kirk. It is not used regularly now, but it is lovingly restored and is surrounded by an ancient cemetery. There are two columnar wood stoves inside and 4 oil lanterns since there is no electricity to the church.
Just past the church is an old road that runs along the river. It leads to the site of an old farm long gone. The foundation site remains along with some perennials not native to our land. I found there some daylilies- variety not known since they are not in bloom yet, lily of the valley in bloom and heavily scented and variegated goutweed. The ones who tended these flowers are long gone. The gardens have outlasted them by decades and will continue to bloom for decades to come. I picked a tiny bouquet in memory of the people who planted them. Unexpected treasures on an old farm road....