Sunday, June 8, 2008

Job Interviews- What not to do....

I read an article by Derek Abma from Canwest News Service last week that had me in stitches in no time so I'll share the highlights. A staffing firm called Officeteam, shared some of the most bizarre interview gaffes with the writer.
One candidate showed up wearing pajamas with bed head hair, another asked his interviewer for a cigarette. Another job seeker sent his sister to do the interview for him and another kept yelling out 'I love life' and 'Oh yeah' throughout the entire interview! Another job applicant insulted the tie worn by the interviewer. A few problems that happened before the interview couldn't be helped so the interviewees decided to handle the problems gracefully- like spilt coffee on a suit and a bleeding lip after a shaving incident! The best one went like this: 'An applicant was doing really well in the interview until she got to the reason she left her other job. She told us everyone was out to get her.'
There are some tips for you, Terry!


Terry said...

Obviously I took all my interviews WAY too seriously. Reading these samples makes me want to go out and look for a job. Maybe when things slow down in the fall I'll send out a few resimays and try a few interviews. My overalls should be fitting much better by then and the work boots will be well broken in. Might get a new plaid shirt too if something really promising comes along.
Will probably be in touch with a few of my N.B.C.C. associates for references.

Enjoying the blog immensely!

Anonymous said...

keep up the blog! I enjoy the items you post.


Jackalyn Darling (Rosaceae) aka 'The Captain' said...

thanks- enjoying your comments too- I still don't know if my resimay has worked yet- I may have to dust off my overalls and chewin tabacci for some interviews!!1