Thursday, July 31, 2008

Slowing down...

I made a pact that I would walk and bike more after my courses ended in July. So this week I've started to walk and bike to work every day. Since I live less than a mile away from work this is not a big issue. There is also a great trail along a cove off the Meduxnekeag that is maintained by the town of Woodstock that takes me right to the college- how many people in Toronto can say that?

The first morning I noticed a bit of the calm water and a couple of trees along the way. It took me about three walks to slow my pace and my thoughts down enough to notice more. This morning I noticed what flowers were blooming, watched a tern fly across the water, admire the tenacity of some wildflowers growing through cracked pavement and picked a bouquet for a family of a sick child at the college. I noticed that there is beauty even in the flower of a burdock-ever seen the flower of a burdock? There were native flowers blooming along with the non-natives- Scottish creeping bellflowers and yellow loosestrife along with the not-so-liked purple loosestrife- signs of a perennial garden from long ago. This, by the way is the biggest trembling aspen I have ever seen in this area- it has a huge trunk- 2 grown men couldn't wrap their arms around it.....

Maybe more of the world could stand a walk like this every morning...and everyone would be happier and healthier.

A nice note....

I just wanted to take a few minutes to let you know how much I appreciate the job that you and your students have done on our grounds. The landscaping is absolutely beautiful. Now that everything is starting to grow and flower, you can really appreciate the effort that you have put into it.

Thank you for making our College such a beautiful place to work!
From Eloise Wright- Purchasing

Saturday, July 5, 2008

What the past grads are doing.....

I try to keep in contact with the graduates from NSAC and from NBCC Woodstock. Here are some updates from the graduates from 2006-07 from NBCC Woodstock.

Meagan MacLeod- 'I am attending the NSAC, going into my 3d year of the Environmental Hort degree program. Also I've been chosen to attend a Green Roof course at Virginia Tech this August 14th. The NSAC is paying for most of it so I'm pretty excited about that because I've decided I want to be a Green Roof designer. I'm also playing basketball for the NSAC so a little something to keep me sane from the work. '

Isabelle Simard- She is working for Gould's Landscaping in Saint John, NB and is loving it! She says they want her to get certified and will help her financially to achieve this goal. She is also interested in design work and is learning more about it and possibly she might be going on for further study- hope you do Isabelle!

Khryspn Jensen- She is a new Mom! Here are her words...'I have a bouncing beautiful baby boy named Braylin Gary Jensen Tiner he is a little over 3 months now. He was born Feb. 20th 8lbs 10oz and we had to him weighed yesterday and he is 15lbs 14oz!!!' Congradulations Khryspn and Daddy

Wesley Trevors- Wes is back working with the City of Mirimichi and enjoying it and keeping busy at home with my raspberries and strawberries. He was wondering about this year's crop of chicks and how the year panned out. He was also interested in taking the IPM Certification test- great to hear from you, Wes!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Our Little Treasure of a Greenhouse at NBCC Woodstock

  Tucked away on the second floor of our building is a small green quiet space where everyone is welcome to spend lunch, have a tea. meet with a friend, or study a bit. Every year the Landscape students recreate this space to make it their own- their own design, their own paver and seating and plant layout. This year the class of 2008 succeeded in creating a what I call an Italian Courtyard garden, complete with the sound of water and Spanish guitars strumming in the background. But wait, do I hear someone singing? A blank slateBuilding... 

The singer

A fine place to sit!